Sunday 25 November 2007

Trinity College

This year we've had the honour to become a Trinity College registered centre. We are now proud to announce our ESOL 07 results:
Eliana Colantonio proudly passed grade 10 (Advanced) with DISTINCTION!!! Her presentation dealt on the Social Impact of the Beatles. The examiner, Mrs. Anne Spiers (Ma), gladly enjoyed Ellie's talk since she came from Liverpool herself!
Agustina Fernandez proudly passed grade 9 (upper-intermediate+) with MERIT!!! And Harry Potter was there to accompany her since her presentation was on the Philosopher's Stone. Impressive work, Agu!!!
Griselda Ruiz passed grade 9 as well! She delivered a most interesting presentation on "Autism".
Congratulations to them all!!!
HUGE THANKS to Karina Mussi at Trinity College for her constant help and support!
To learn more about Trinity College, please visit

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