Monday 7 May 2007

Victorian Times

Who was Queen Victoria?
Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and empress of India (1876-1901). Her reign was the longest in British history and people know it as Victorian era.
What changed during her reign?
Victorian Times were times of great change in the lives of British people:
- Britain became the most powerful country in the world.
- The population grew enormously and there was a huge need for food, jobs and housing.
- Factories were opened and new machines were introduced. Towns started to grow and people changed the way they lived and worked.
- People started to travel by train everywhere!
Taste a bit of Victorian Times!
Learn more about a typical day in their lives, their clothes and even enjoy their toys! Here are some really interesting links that will give you a clear idea of how people lived during the reign of Queen Victoria.

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